How many people respond “I’m fine” or “It’ll pass” when someone tells them they need to go see a doctor? Sure, some medical issues do pass away on their own. But others—they can cause you to pass away on your own. Men are even more likely to hold off on going to the...
We know from research that men are less likely to visit the doctor than women. That’s not because they are magically healthier and don’t need to get checked out. It’s just that they put off their health concerns—often until it’s too late. According to the Agency for...
We spend the month of May gearing up for summer. We’re planning vacations and swapping out our wardrobes—while trying to lose enough winter weight to actually slip back into those last summer favorites. But May is also a time to think beyond the aesthetics of your...
You’re no stranger to work days that go far past eight hours, which means you’ll constantly be flying past mealtimes, grabbing things on the go, and prioritizing speed and convenience over everything. Your team at work appreciates your commitment. Your waistline—not...
The beginning of the year is filled with positive goals. You’ve made your resolutions. You’ve committed (or maybe just considered) a dry January. You’ve pressed pause on the busyness of life after dashing through the holidays, and you feel ready to make changes for a...
The holiday season left you with a fuller heart—and figure. You’ve drank and made merry with loved ones all month long, and there’s a good chance that your exercise routine and portion control practices fell along the wayside. No need to beat yourself up about it. A...