Telltale Signs That It Is Time To See A Doctor

by | Jun 25, 2019

How many people respond “I’m fine” or “It’ll pass” when someone tells them they need to go see a doctor?

Sure, some medical issues do pass away on their own. But others—they can cause you to pass away on your own. Men are even more likely to hold off on going to the doctor (more on the consequences of that, here), and women miss their number one health risk—heart disease—when they skip out on their physicals.

You should make the time for your health to take an annual Elitra Exam—the ultimate comprehensive executive health exam—to address any potential issues and identify risks you may face down the road. But if you ever think you have a problem that needs addressing right away, stop Googling symptoms and self-diagnosing yourself on WebMD and put yourself in the hands of Elitra Health Center’s team of industry-leading experts.

We only take on a few clients every day to ensure we can devote the highest level of attention when testing and speaking with patients. You won’t leave our center feeling like you weren’t heard or were misdiagnosed, and we’ll schedule all your follow-up and specialist appointments for you to get your medical issue in-check right away.

If you notice any of the following telltale signs that it’s time to visit a doctor, don’t delay. Visit our experts at Elitra Health Center, and we’ll get you back on the road to good health as soon as possible.

Changes in urination/bowel movements

Noticing a small spot of blood on your toilet paper is generally not a cause for concern, but stool that is deep red, maroon, or black is, as this is a sign of blood in your stool. This could be a result of multiple medical issues, including inflammatory bowel disease, rectal tumors, or ulcers. Pale or clay-like stools and dark urine could also indicate issues with your liver or a problem with your bile duct stones.

Severe diarrhea lasting longer than two days or moderate diarrhea lasting more than two weeks are both signs you should see a doctor. Constipation lasting longer than two weeks is also a sign that is time to see the doctor, as there could be an obstruction. Constipation can also be a sign of diabetes or colon cancer.

Sudden weight loss 

We aren’t talking dropping a bit of weight thanks to your gym routine (or a nasty stomach bug). We mean a sudden dip in your weight without explanation. If you don’t know why you are losing weight, don’t just ignore it and try to make up the calories with ice cream on the couch.

Unexplained weight loss could be a sign of an underlying medical disorder. Just a few of the possible medical issues include cancer, celiac disease, HIV/AIDS, Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, and heart failure.

According to the Mayo Clinic, you should see a doctor if you lose more than five percent of your weight in six months to a year. It might sound like a high number, but a five percent weight loss in a 160-pound person equals just 8 pounds.

Unusual headaches and bursts of pain

If you’re suddenly feeling a burst of pain in a new location for you or if your headaches have gone from a three to a 10 with no explainable cause, it’s time to see a doctor.

You may be experiencing head trauma in the form of a concussion. Older adults are also more at risk of internal bleeding or even meningitis.

You should seek immediate medical attention for any severe headaches that come on suddenly—also known as thunderclap headaches—and that peak at 60 seconds, as these may be a sign of bleeding in the brain, strokes, and blood clots.

If you find you are being woken up by headaches, you could be experiencing “cluster headaches,” which are sometimes caused by high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and brain tumors.

Our physicians can work with you to identify the cause of your headaches, in addition the prescribing medication and making diet and lifestyle changes to reduce their severity.

Lack of interest in daily life  

Too many people don’t talk to their doctors about what’s happening with them emotionally. You might have been conditioned to think that feeling depressed isn’t something worth seeking help for. However, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and a high-risk factor for suicide, which the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention lists as the tenth leading cause of death in the United States.

Depression doesn’t always rear its head as sadness. Symptoms of depression range from feelings of hopelessness to bursts of anger, sleep disturbances, slowed thinking and body movements, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and unexplained aches.

One in four people worldwide will be affected by a mental or neurological disorder at some point in their lives, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Mental health impacts every facet of your physical health, and taking medication for mental health issues and speaking with our professionals at Elitra Health Center, who are trained for these issues and happy to help you, is completely normal.

Our team at Elitra can recommend specialists for cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressant treatments. We can also analyze how your food and exercise habits are affecting your serotonin levels.

Shortness of breath  

If you find yourself wheezing after walking up stairs, you should get to the doctor. According to the Mayo Clinic, shortness of breath is usually caused by heart or lung conditions, as they transport oxygen to your tissues and remove carbon dioxide.

It could also be a sign of pneumonia, fungal infections, or cancer, and you should make sure to see a doctor if your shortness of breath lasts for a couple of weeks or is accompanied by swelling in your feet and ankles or high fever, chills and cough.

If you have a history of heart or lung conditions, our team of physicians, nutritionists, and exercise physiologists can help lower your risk.